Saint Paul Vs. Everybody Knock!


Investing in our roads and public infrastructure

Modern infrastructure is essential to the success and vitality of our communities. This includes investments in transportation systems, water and sewage systems, and broadband infrastructure, among other critical systems. By modernizing and improving these systems, we can create a more sustainable and resilient city.

  1. Safe and Accessible Streets: I believe that all community members deserve safe and accessible streets. To that end, I will work to increase funding for pedestrian and bike infrastructure, prioritize complete streets that prioritize the needs of all road users, and work with community stakeholders to identify areas where traffic calming measures are needed.

  2. Modernizing Our Infrastructure: I believe that maintaining our infrastructure is critical for the safety and well-being of our community. I will work to increase funding for road repair and maintenance, upgrade our aging infrastructure to meet modern needs, and invest in green infrastructure to promote sustainability and climate resilience. Lead disproportionately affects people of color, children under 5 and low-income communities. I support accelerating the long-term vision to eliminate lead pipes in our city.

  3. Prioritizing Public Transportation: I believe that public transportation is critical for promoting equity, sustainability, and accessibility in our community. I will work to increase funding for public transportation, promote transit-oriented development, and prioritize the needs of public transit users in our transportation planning.

  4. Supporting Local Businesses: I believe that investing in public works and safe, accessible streets is key to promoting economic development in our community. I will work to support local businesses by investing in streetscape improvements, promoting walkability and bikeability, and supporting small business development.

  5. Engaging the Community: I believe that engaging the community is critical for effective transportation planning and infrastructure improvements. I will work to increase community involvement in transportation planning processes, establish community-led oversight of public works projects, and prioritize community input in transportation decision-making.

Community-First PUBLIC SAFETY

This initiative seeks to address the systemic racism and injustices that exist within our society. I believe that in order to effectively address crime in our community, we must address its root causes. I will work to increase access to affordable housing, support economic development and job training programs, and invest in education and mental health services.

  1. Community-First Public Safety: I believe that public safety begins with investing in our community. To that end, I will work to increase funding for community-led initiatives that promote public safety, such as youth programs, mental health services, and restorative justice programs.

  2. Building Trust Between Police and Community: I believe that trust between the police and the community is critical for effective public safety. I will work to increase transparency and accountability in the police department, establish community-led oversight of law enforcement, and promote community policing practices that prioritize community engagement and de-escalation.

  3. Investing in Violence Prevention: I believe that investing in violence prevention is key to reducing crime in our community. I will work to increase funding for violence prevention programs, such as gun violence intervention and prevention programs, and support community-led initiatives that promote peaceful conflict resolution.

  4. Supporting Restorative Justice: I believe that restorative justice practices have the potential to transform our criminal justice system and promote healing in our community. I will work to increase access to restorative justice programs and support community-led initiatives that promote restorative justice practices.

I believe that these policies will help create a safer and more just community for all residents of Ward 1. As a progressive candidate, I will work tirelessly to ensure that our community is safe, equitable, and inclusive for all.

fair and affordable housing

Saint Paul renters have the right to safe and healthy housing, protection from unjust evictions, and fair treatment from landlords. When it comes to ensuring tenants are protected from unjust evictions I advocate for the Right to Counsel which will create a fairer process for tenants. 

Additionally, Saint Paul residents deserve access to homeownership opportunities, including assistance with down payments, affordable mortgages, and home repair grants. I also support programs that promote equitable access to homeownership for historically marginalized communities.

Expand the Community Land Trust Pilot: Community land trusts are an extremely important means of taking land out of the speculative market for affordability in perpetuity. I support making the community land trust pilot permanent to advance perpetual affordable housing and commercial properties.


I believe that every worker deserves fair pay, safe working conditions, and the right to form a union. I am committed to advocating for policies that promote workers' rights and ensure that every worker in our city is treated with dignity and respect.

  1. Protecting workers from wage theft: Wage theft is a widespread problem that affects many workers, particularly those in low-wage jobs. I will work with the Attorney General’s office to protect the pocketbooks of workers and work with my council members to pass a city wage theft ordinance that fills in the gaps in the state’s wage theft ordinance, similar to the city of Minneapolis. This policy will protect workers and keep hard-earned money in the pockets of low-wage workers.

  2. Supporting the right to form a union: Workers should have the right to organize and bargain collectively without fear of retaliation from their employers. I will support efforts to protect workers' rights to form unions and negotiate for better pay, benefits, and working conditions.

  3. Safe working conditions: Every worker deserves to work in a safe and healthy environment. I will work to ensure that all employers in Saint Paul provide safe working conditions and that workers are protected from workplace hazards.

  4. Investing in worker cooperatives: Worker cooperatives are collectives of worker-owners who share the profit and decision-making of their business. I support investing in the startup, conversion, and expansion of worker cooperatives so Saint Paul becomes a city of worker-owners, grounding income and wealth in our neighborhoods.

Stronger Snow Removal Plan

I am committed to ensuring safe and accessible sidewalks free of snow and ice for all residents. I support the implementation of a local snow removal ordinance that prioritizes the safety and accessibility of pedestrians and promotes walking as a viable mode of transportation.

  1. Clear Responsibility: The city should have the primary responsibility for snow and ice removal from sidewalks, particularly in high-traffic areas like schools, public transportation stops, and commercial districts.

  2. Clear Timeline: The city should ensure that sidewalks are cleared within 24 hours of snowfall to prevent the risk of injuries. Priority should be given to high-traffic areas like school zones, public transportation stops, and business districts.

  3. Safe Ice Removal: The city should use safe and environmentally friendly methods for removing snow and ice from sidewalks to prevent damage to the environment, infrastructure, and public health.

  4. Equity: The city should also provide assistance to property owners who are unable to clear their sidewalks due to age, disability, or financial hardship.

  5. Education and Outreach: The city should provide education and outreach programs to promote awareness of the importance of clear sidewalks and the responsibility of property owners and residents to maintain them. This could include public service announcements, community meetings, and social media campaigns.

Inclusive economy & EQUITY TAX

Building an Inclusive Economy: Income inequality in Saint Paul is palpable - your economic well-being shouldn’t be determined by your zip code or neighborhood in Saint Paul. I support advancing an inclusive economy by:

  1. Rooting out predatory practices from the local financial marketplace: Predatory financial practices keep our lowest-income neighbors stuck in a debt trap. I support eliminating predatory practices by holding lending companies in our city accountable and offering alternatives to debt collection.

  2. Advancing equitable fines and fees: Fines and fees are inequitable and overly punitive to communities of color and low-income households. I support establishing an “ability-to-pay” standard for fines and fees so residents pay fines and fees proportional to their income and don’t fall into cycles of economic security.

  3. Baking equity into our property tax system: The existing property tax system disproportionately impacts our lowest-income neighbors. I support maximizing existing and new property tax relief programs so seniors, low-income, and BIPOC homeowners stay in their homes.


I am committed to ensuring that our government services are inclusive and accessible to all residents, including those with disabilities. Below is my platform for improving government services for people with disabilities:

  1. Expand Accessible Transportation: I will work to expand accessible transportation options in Saint Paul, including increasing the availability of Metro Mobility services, advocating for more accessible public transit options, and improving pedestrian and bike infrastructure.

  2. Advocate for Disability Rights: I will be a strong advocate for disability rights, including supporting legislation that promotes accessibility, inclusion, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities.

  3. Improve Access to Healthcare: I believe that access to healthcare is a human right, and I will work to improve access to healthcare services for people with disabilities. This includes advocating at the state legislature for increased funding for disability-specific healthcare services and advocating for universal healthcare coverage.

  4. Increase Accessibility of Government Communications: I will work to increase the accessibility of government services, including ensuring that all government websites are fully accessible and providing training for government staff on disability rights and accessibility.

  5. Prioritize Affordable and Accessible Housing: I believe that housing is a basic human right, and I will work to prioritize the development of affordable and accessible housing in Saint Paul. This includes working with community partners to develop and maintain housing for people with disabilities and increasing accessibility requirements for all new housing developments.

  6. Fair Pay: The average subminimum wage worker with disabilities earns less than $4.00 per hour, substantially less than Saint Paul's minimum wage. I support ending the subminimum wage in Saint Paul because workers with disabilities deserve a fair wage in Saint Paul.

  7. Encourage Community Engagement: I will encourage greater community engagement and participation from people with disabilities, including hosting regular town hall meetings to discuss issues related to disability rights and inclusion.

the future is green

We must prioritize environmental sustainability and take action to combat climate change. We can be a city that champions a green economy by implementing a comprehensive climate action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Saint Paul and increase the use of renewable energy sources.

  1. Investing in public transportation and biking infrastructure to reduce reliance on cars and promote sustainable transportation options.

  2. Creating incentives and support for small businesses to become more environmentally sustainable through energy efficiency measures and sustainable practices.

  3. Encouraging the development of green spaces and urban forests to improve air quality and provide space for outdoor recreation.

  4. Supporting the implementation of green building standards and requirements to reduce energy consumption and promote sustainable construction practices.

  5. Increasing recycling and composting efforts in Saint Paul to reduce waste and promote a circular economy.

  6. Collaborating with local communities and organizations to promote sustainable living practices and increase awareness of environmental issues.

  7. Protecting our water resources, including our lakes and rivers, through measures such as reducing water pollution and increasing access to clean water.


As a civil rights leader, I am committed to advocating for formerly incarcerated individuals and improving their reentry experience. As a progressive candidate, I am committed to building a community that works for everyone, and I will work tirelessly to ensure that our community is just, equitable, and inclusive for all.

  1. Reentry Services and Support: I believe that formerly incarcerated individuals need support to successfully reintegrate into society. To that end, I will advocate for increased funding for reentry services, such as job training programs, educational opportunities, mental health services, and substance abuse treatment.

  2. Fair Hiring Practices: I believe that everyone deserves a fair chance at employment, including formerly incarcerated individuals. To that end, I will work to promote fair hiring practices that remove unnecessary barriers to employment for those with criminal records.

  3. Housing Access: I believe that access to stable housing is essential for successful reentry. To that end, I will advocate for increased funding for affordable housing programs and work to remove barriers to housing for formerly incarcerated individuals.

  4. Community Engagement: I believe that community engagement is essential for promoting successful reentry and reducing recidivism rates. To that end, I will work to engage community members in the reentry process, promote community-based alternatives to incarceration, and increase community involvement in local decision-making.

  5. Ending the School-to-Prison Pipeline: I believe that the school-to-prison pipeline perpetuates a cycle of incarceration that disproportionately affects communities of color. To that end, I will work to end the school-to-prison pipeline and promote alternative forms of discipline that focus on restorative justice and conflict resolution.

  6. Addressing Disparities in Housing and Criminal Justice: I believe that addressing disparities in housing and criminal justice is critical for promoting social justice and reducing inequality in our community. To that end, I will work to address systemic racism and discrimination in the housing market, promote alternative forms of dispute resolution, and work to end the school-to-prison pipeline.

  7. Restoring Civil Rights for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals: I believe that formerly incarcerated individuals deserve the opportunity to rebuild their lives and fully participate in our community. To that end, I will work to restore voting rights for formerly incarcerated individuals, support initiatives to seal or expunge criminal records, and promote workforce development and job training programs for formerly incarcerated individuals.

Our community is safe only when everyone is safe. People whose basic needs are met are less likely to return to a life of crime. I support a justice system that values people more than punishment. Let's build a Saint Paul where people can participate in our democracy and rise above their past.